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Schadenfreude Studios > Tabletop > Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…

KairoiPathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  January 10, 2012 1:17 PM | Post #1
The Fighter

Reverend and I had an idea for a game. Well mostly it was Reverend's idea, but I have made some slight adjustments to them. Anyways, I was hoping to test it out before trying it out at the library, but of course we'll need about four people to play it however three will be sufficient enough. Also, the more people the merrier. So here is the lowdown of the game settings:


I hereby decree, that all Humanoid denizens of Candy-Utopia are to live on as "Candy-Beings". Now what this means is a Male Human shall be further known (and transformed into) a Gingerbread Man, and the Females a Gingerbread Woman. Dwarves into Gingerbread Dwarves, Elves into Gingerbread/Keebler Elves, Gnomes into Gingerbread Gnomes, Halflings into Gingerbread Hobbits, Half-Elves into Ginger Elves, and finally Half-Orcs into Ginger Orcs. Also we DO accept outsiders into our land (hint, hint). Furthermore we, your government, shall ask you, the people of Candy-Utopia, to make Level 5 Characters and to send your Character Sheets to your government (Kairoi) through a message. There will be point buy of 25 points available however if there is a request for more just let us know.
I'll update if need be. The same rules apply for building characters with point buy normally. You can check the Core Rulebook, or you can ask me through pm if you have any questions.
There is always something to do or someone to help here. We will be expecting a lot of good help!

Signed - Your King, Reese Gumdrop

I wasn't able to fit everything in one post, but I'll be updating it soon.

ÂmesangRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  January 10, 2012 1:42 PM | Post #2
has lost the game

I'm willing to give this a shot.


KairoiRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  January 10, 2012 3:56 PM | Post #3
The Fighter

Sweet... In both terms (heheh). We'll be using the same Diceroller (the password is candy), PathFinder as the system, we'll be rolling for our HP after level 3 (so it's 3 levels of maxed out HP), and we'll be needing at least 3 players to start off with (just to make it interesting). I can, and will, be informing others of this game, so that way we'll be able to get the jawbreaker rolling... -_-' I will also make a list of what modifications each class/race shall receive. Since they'll all be candy based there may be some sticky situations... :D Also, if you'd like to add any suggestions that I haven't put up/might not have thought of: please don't hesitate to post them/pm me. I will be putting the game under a different topic, if that's okay with the site owner. Let me know, please. Well, I'll be getting those thoughts stirring up...

KidakRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  February 1, 2012 4:48 AM | Post #4

I am up for it just need to be more awake to make a character.

KairoiRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  February 1, 2012 6:22 AM | Post #5
The Fighter

Cool and thanks.

This is to everyone:
Please, once you have finished your characters, contact me on any of the following:
1) Windows Live Messenger:
2) Phone:
Home: (802-732-8102)
Tracfone: (802-738-5993)
3) E-mail:
4) Private Message on this site

Any of these will do. I also request either an image of the sheet(s) you used, or a detailed description of it, for I wish to keep records of your characters with me. I have left my information to only what I go on the most... -_-'
Well hope you enjoy.

KidakRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  February 6, 2012 6:49 PM | Post #6

my character is made :D

KairoiRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  February 14, 2012 10:33 PM | Post #7
The Fighter

I'll need you (Kidak) to roll for your perception then.. And sorry I haven't been on in so long..

KidakRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  February 15, 2012 1:48 AM | Post #8

where am i posting this roll for perception?

KairoiRe: Pathfinder: I'd like to test out a game, but only if we can get enough people for it…
  February 19, 2012 11:39 AM | Post #9
The Fighter

You posted it in the correct thread. :)
Thanks man.


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